I`m expirianced guitarist and singer from Darmstadt Germany and since many years activ in Rhein-Main Area. My music projects are all high level quality for all events where live music is needed. Also, I introduce my own music created mostly for own pleasure but with lot of passion, care and high level production. Maybe you would like it.
For audio and video examples please click on my german pages.
For audio and video examples please click on my german pages.
My wide Solo-Program contains english speaking Pop/Rock Songs from last 60 years of music and also some romantic Jazz/Swing Standards. Perfect for all events where bands are to big, to loud or to expensive. I use looper and often it sounds like smal acoustic band.
Since ano 2010 we are taking our audience on a musical time journey into first half of 20th century with our energetic Gypsy Swing Sound & Rhythm. Django Reinhards style of swing musik with changing lineups, but always at a very high level!
I've been making own music for many decades which is an important part of my activities. At the end of 2016 I released a CD named "Hope for Eli" available on usual platforms. From time to time I´m stil creating new music, so just check it out here!